Well, here it is.....the cusp of the weekend. As I lack internet at home at this time, I will not be posting again until Monday. Until then........
The weather has been most uncooperative over the past couple of days. It has been cold, rainy, and windy, or, in other words, a typical Idaho spring. I went up past Mann Creek Reservoir yesterday to shoot pictures (it's quite a lovely area), and no sooner had I drove to my preferred stop, it started to rain. I thought to myself, "Eeeehhhhh, I can do this. The rain isn't that bad; I may get a teeny bit damp, but I'll dry." This was not to be. I got out of the car and crossed the road to shoot photos of the creek tumbling over the rocks and the trees that line the banks. I had just gotten to the barbed wire fence and the heavens opened up, making me one very soggy photographer. I did manage to get some sweet shots in before this happened, but I still got pretty darned wet. I did dry over time, and as this process was being completed, my hair (which, under the best of circumstances, is fuzzy and wavy/curly), decided to increase its volume tenfold. Holy cow, it was HUGE. The dampness caused it to swell and frizz out; I closely resembled a large brown Brillo pad. It frightened me. Fortunately for me and everyone else, I had a rubber band in my purse for such occasions, so it was ponytail time.
Today, it is still raining off and on (as if Mother Nature can't decide whether the Snake River Valley needs a good drenching or not.....so fickle is Mother Nature). When I walked in to the library, it was merely drizzling. The good thing about this inclement weather is that the grass, fields, and trees are becoming more green, making sure that we mere mortals are aware that spring is springing.
Speaking of springtime, that reminds me of a story when my twins, Kyson and Kade, were in kindergarten. They had learned the whole "March comes in like a lion or a lamb, and goes out like a lion or a lamb" thing. Well, their classes made a little door hanging with a lion on one side and a lamb on the other. I hung one on the front door and one on the back door. The twins would get to look out the window at the weather and then determine whether it was lion weather or lamb weather. Kade referred to the lion as a "wion" and a lamb as a "wam", and Kyson called them a "yion" and a "yam". Anyway, once the lion vs. lamb weather was determined, they would then flip the door hanging to the appropriate animal. Ahhhh....one of my favorite memories!
Fridays, rain or not, are my counseling days. I visit with my counselor every Friday at one, and since this has been a MUCH better week, I suspect that we will be discussing what made this week better. I think that my medications are starting to work better, I am feeling better physically and mentally (no intrusive thoughts....YAY!!!!), I'm beginning to show interest in my hobbies again, I am not sleeping ALL the time, and I have more energy. How did I turn things around? Easy. I made a promise to myself to NOT let stupid people or any other adversity bring me down. This may not work all the time, but when this mind-set it successful, then I enjoy it and use to my best advantage. So, see? There is ALWAYS a light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes the tunnel seems like it's eternal and the light a fleeting flicker of flame (hehehe....an alliteration!), but with determination and love and support from your family and friends, you CAN reach that light and allow it to fill you. Not saying that you're going to feel any euphoria, but you will feel hope. If you lack hope and faith, what can you rely on?
'Til Monday.............
I really liked reading this one. I always wish. I would have known the twins when they were little. They sounded so cute. I'm glad you're starting to feel better.