Friday, April 11, 2014

Pet Peeves

Yes, my friends, I am posting TWO blogs in one day.  This is probably due to not posting yesterday or something.  Anyway, as I sit here, contemplating life, I am also thinking about my pet peeves.  Let me share a few with you.
1) "Nose noises".  You know the loogie-hocking, snort noises that some people randomly make?  Yeah, those.  Ew.
2) "Moist mouth noises", aka, squishy lip-smacking sounds.  It seriously grosses me out.  There is someone sitting across from me making those noises. Yuck.
3) Major PDAs.  Okay, I seriously don't mind hand holding or a peck on the cheek in public, but full-on tonsil hockey and groping?  Get a room and spare me from having to vomit.
4) People who tailgate.  No, I am not referring to the partying type of tailgating.  I talking about people who ride your butt when you're driving.  Unless you are a dingleberry or a hemorrhoid, please stay off my butt, unless you really want to get brake-checked.  I WILL do it.
5) Wedgies.  Especially frontal wedgies. ESPECIALLY wedgies in public.  It's not exactly like you can remove them in public without being judged.
6) Body odor.  People, PLEASE use soap, shampoo, and deodorant.  That is why such things were invented.
7) Poor table manners, i.e. talking with your mouth full, chewing with your mouth open, smacking your lips while you chew, etc.  My parents were exceedingly strict about proper table manners, so I imagine that this is why horrendous table manners bother me so much.
8) Talking on your cell phone LOUDLY in the checkout line in the grocery store.  Especially when the content is extremely personal.  Believe me, no one in the store wants to hear about your most recent gynecological visit or your sexual conquests.  It's just nasty.
9) Farting quietly, yet lethally, and not owning up to it. If you're going to float a nasty one, at least warn the people around you so that proper evacuation measures can be implemented.
10) Use of the "F" word in normal conversation.  Actually, use of the "F" word at all.  It's just so.....crass!  I know that I have been known to drop the "F" bomb on occasion, but that does not mean that I condone it.  I actually feel rather stupid afterwards.  Along those same lines, overuse of profanity is really annoying, too. It truly makes people sound stupid.
11) Being tickled. I am extremely ticklish, and I view being tickled as a form of torture.  When I tell you to stop, for heaven's sake, STOP!  Unless you want to get kicked.
12) Anyone touching my feet.  My feet are super sensitive, and therefore, I cannot handle anyone touching my feet.  It seriously makes my skin crawl. I have had traumatic experiences involving my feet, and, in addition to the hypersensitivity, touching my feet is strictly forbidden.
13) People who think they know everything about everything.  It's okay to admit that you don't know something.  It makes you human.  When you pretend to be omniscient, it's just annoying.
14) Lousy, one-ply toilet paper.  Your hiney and perineal area are VERY sensitive places.  This kind of toilet paper is chafey and miserable to use. It's all right to spend a little extra money on decent toilet paper that isn't going to remove any skin in your tender parts.
15) People who think that those with depression/anxiety/schizophrenia or any other mental or "invisible" illnesses (fibromyalgia, etc.) are attention-seeking drama queens.  If you are someone who thinks that, I feel bad for you because you are too ignorant to take the time to understand those types of illnesses.  Also, you can suck it.  I know that's not nice to say, but if you diss me because of something I cannot help, then you deserve to be told off.
That being said, I hope that no one views this entry as being bitchy.  It is written in good fun and with a sense of humor.  Sometimes, you have to laugh at the ridiculous things that bother you.  It's healthy!
Happy Friday, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I could have written most of this myself! I totally agree with your issues here!
