Saturday, April 12, 2014


Hello, everyone! I am coming to you live from Barber Hall at Treasure Valley Community College, where I am still technically a student (which is why I am able to access the internet.....bwahahahaha!).  What am I doing here,you may ask?  Well, the twins are taking their ACTs here, and rather than drive all the way back home (which is about a half hour drive one way), I opted to bring some stuff (like my laptop) to keep me entertained over the next four to five hours.  I am also armed with Fiber One granola bars (delicious 90 calorie nourishment) and two bottles of Diet Coke.  I drank my morning coffee on the drive over here, so I am good for a while.
Being here on a Saturday morning is quite wonderful; I have the commons in the building all to myself.  The only drawback I can see is that I cannot seem to locate any electrical outlets anywhere in here (if I remember correctly, there are none).  So, if my battery dies, I am screwed unless I relocate to another building, and I doubt any of them are open.  Anyway, it is nice and quiet, which is how I like it in the mornings.  No one attempting to strike up a conversation when I am not even remotely fully awake (heaven knows I should be; I made my coffee pretty strong this morning).  Another advantage to being here, especially at the college, is that I know where everything is at, especially bathrooms.  A lot of my classes were in Barber, so I am VERY familiar with the building.
I kind of miss being in school.  The reason I am not presently attending any classes is that I totally bombed Summer term last year (in my defense,  I feel that I went back way too soon after one of my hospitalizations; I think I had only been out for a couple of weeks when I went back for Summer term) and lost my financial aid.  The sucky part about all of it was that I had already registered for Fall classes, so now I owe the school money for that term, and can't return until it's all paid off.  THEN I might be able to appeal my financial aid and change my major (I was in Pre-Nursing, and now I am wanting to switch to Administrative Assistant or something in that area).  I actually LIKED school....well, most of my classes, anyway.  Math has never been my strong point, so I hated that class.  Chemistry was brutal, but I liked most of it and did well; better than I expected: B-.  Same with Biology.  It wasn't a difficult class and I really enjoyed it.  That was the ONLY class I passed during Summer term, and I got a full-on B in that class.  My professor was kind of weird, as was her teaching style.  It was a little tough to follow along at times.  But she was very personable and helped me out a lot (I was having some issues during that time, both mental and physical; my knee was in crapola shape--and it still is--so I was on crutches for most of the term).
A-ha!  I think I found the only accessible outlet in the commons.  It's right next to a soda machine.  The location is better because it isn't so dark over here; I am also directly below a skylight and the sun is shining through it,   YAY ME!
Now that I have bored you with my nonsense, I think I will turn my attention elsewhere, like Hulu so I can watch some "Grey's Anatomy".  Have a fabulous spring day!  It looks like it's going to be gorgeous.:)
Until Monday (I think...)................

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